Pacto bikes folding bike motorhome campervan

Andate in giro con le biciclette pieghevoli PACTO!

Vi piace fare movimento, sgranchirvi le gambe e uscire nella natura dopo un lungo viaggio in camper? Partite in bicicletta! Raggiungerete rapidamente la vostra destinazione, scoprirete i dintorni del campeggio e farete un po' di esercizio fisico. Se non avete voglia di un portabici, la bicicletta pieghevole è la soluzione perfetta per voi! PACTO bikes ha sviluppato la bicicletta pieghevole ideale: leggera, facile da trasportare e che può essere trasportata nello spazio di carico del camper senza portabici!

Skiing with your motorhome: everything you should know!

Skiing with your motorhome: everything you should know!

It might be the most popular type of vacation during winter: a skiing trip in the Alps. Rushing down the mountains in a beautiful, snowy white decor, sitting in the sun at a chalet, and exploring the après-ski at night; we get why these kinds of trips are so popular! Do you want to go on such a trip with your motorhome upcoming winter? Then quickly read on, because in this blog, you'll read everything about the necessary preparations for a skiing trip with your motorhome, as well as the best ski resorts for motorhomers!


It's no mean feat: staying in the cold with your motorhome, surrounded by a thick layer of snow. To make sure that you keep toasty - literally and figuratively - we have already compiled a checklist for you, so that you are as prepared as possible for your trip!

1. Winter tires
It may be obvious, but winter tires are essential for a motorhome trip during winter. Make sure that, besides winter tires, you also have a set of snow chains with you. These will come in handy when half a meter of snow falls overnight! Tip: practice putting on the snow chains at home before you leave for your trip.

2. Ice scrapers and snow shovels
Make sure you're prepared for extreme snowfall or frost! Nothing is as tedious as waking up and realising that you have to clear out your entire motorhome before you can head out to the slopes. So, bring some good ice scrapers and snow shovels so that you can get rid of the excessive layers of snow on your motorhome in no time.

3. Antifreeze
Not only is bringing enough antifreeze fluid important, but it is also important to make sure you bring propane gas. This is because butane can freeze in frosty conditions. We also recommend that you bring a hair dryer, which can come in handy when your locks or taps freeze.

4. Awning
Obviously, clothes get wet from skiing and being in the snow. All that material and clothing ultimately needs to dry again, too. That's why you should consider bringing an awning, so that you have enough space to put all your wet stuff. Don't feel like bringing one? Some motorhome stopovers have special drying rooms, so that you can dump and dry all your wet clothes!

motorhome checklist winter

- Make sure that you are well prepared for your motorhome trip in winter!


The fun and cosy ski resort Winterberg is not too far from home. If you travel through the Eurotunnel, it's only a 6,5-hour drive more until you reach this German ski resort. In Winterberg, you'll find 27 kilometres of slopes scattered over multiple mountains, with a maximum height of 810 metres above sea level. A perfect area for beginners, or for a weekend break as a kick-off to the winter sports season! The vast majority of slopes in Winterberg are blue and you'll mostly find chairlifts.

To stay overnight in Winterberg, you can park your motorhome at Campingplatz Winterberg or Parkplatz Stadthalle.

germany ski resorts

- Germany has a couple of beautiful ski resorts, too!


Skiing in the shadows of the Mont Blanc, it's possible in the French ski resort Chamonix Mont-Blanc! This ski resort lies on the border with Switzerland, and via the special "Mont Blanc tunnel" you can easily ski all the way to the Italian ski resort Courmayeur. There are so many possibilities! Though, you'll have enough to do even just in Chamonix Mont-Blanc itself! With a mere 171 kilometres of slopes, of which a big part are red slopes, the average to experienced skier will definitely enjoy themselves here. You can park your motorhome at Parking Grépon.

Another beautiful and popular resort in France is Tignes-Val d'Isère. With over 300 kilometres of slopes, ranging from wide, blue runs to challenging off-piste descents, there is something for every type of skier here! Here, too, you can stay close to the lifts with your motorhome at the motorhome stopover Le Point Saint-Charles.

chamonix mont-blanc ski resort france

- The extensive ski resort Chamonix Mont-Blanc has slopes for every type of skier! 


With a few of the highest peaks in the Alps, Switzerland is the perfect place to go on a skiing trip. Not only will you come across some beautiful, authentic villages here, but also some of the best mountain panoramas of Europe! The beautiful ski resort Villars lies in direct connection with the resorts Les Diablerets and Glacier 3000, which makes up for 132 kilometres of slopes. Fun fact: the abovementioned Glacier 3000 is located on a glacier. This alone makes it special already, but what makes it even better is that you can go skiing here from November up until May. So much time to enjoy the snow! You can stay at the motorhome stopover Gryon.

Are you planning to go with kids? Then the ski resort Meiringen-Hasliberg is the ideal destination! This ski resort is of average size and has about 60 kilometres of slopes. But, most importantly, it has an amazing kids village where the little ones can run around all day! You can stay at Alpencamping, located in Meiringen.

villars les diablerets ski resort

- At Glacier 3000, located in the beautiful Villars, you can even ski in May!


Every year, a long stream of tourists heads out towards the paradise for winter sports: Austria. A resort that is particularly popular during winter, is Zillertal Arena. With 147 kilometres of slopes and a lot of international ski instructors, this is the ideal place for a skiing trip. You will also find more than enough facilities for a fun evening in the après-ski here. The centre of Zilltertal Arena is Gerlos. Stay with your motorhome at Bauernhof Schönachhof.

A slightly less popular area in Austria is Achensee. Located about an hour and a half's drive from the German city of Munich, this ski resort is a perfect area for beginners and families. In Achensee, you will find 51 kilometres of slopes, all of which are fairly easy. Not such a ski fanatic? Then Achensee, with its 200 kilometres of trails, is also a true paradise for cross-country skiers! The area also has plenty to offer hiking enthusiasts. You can stay overnight at Wohnmobilhafen Achensee.

achensee nordic skiing austria

- There are over 200 kilometres of nordic skiing trails in the ski resort Achensee!  © Achensee Tourismus


If you go skiing in Italy, you will be ensured of beautiful sights and delicious food on the slopes. What more could you want during a skiing trip? One of the most popular ski routes in Italy - and perhaps in all of Europe - is the Sellaronda. This 40-kilometre ski tour takes you through the most beautiful valleys of the Dolomites. Not surprisingly, this route is high on the list of many ski enthusiasts. Is it on your list too? Then you can spend the night at the motorhome stopover Piz Sella.

sellaronda ski resort val gardena italy

- During the Sellaronda ski route, you will come across some of the most beautiful spots in the Dolomites!

Don't like the cold so much? Of course, a winter sports holiday is not the only option for motorhome owners in winter. Stay in the "sunny south" next winter and enjoy the sun even in December! For example, you can head out to explore Andalusia! Read everything about this Spanish destination in the blog "Highlights of Andalusia by motorhome!".

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Un camper vi porterà nei luoghi più belli e insoliti. Volete un po' di varietà in più e lasciare il camper al suo posto di tanto in tanto? Allora una bicicletta è l'aggiunta perfetta al vostro viaggio in camper! Con la bicicletta potete spostarvi facilmente nei dintorni, avvicinarvi a luoghi unici e affollati e fare un po' di esercizio fisico. Se volete rendervi la vita ancora più facile, allora una bicicletta pieghevole di PACTO bikes fa proprio al caso vostro! Con un'ampia collezione e una vasta gamma di colori, PACTO bikes si distingue dagli altri fornitori di biciclette pieghevoli: queste biciclette sono un vero e proprio richiamo visivo! Oltre ad essere colorate, le biciclette sono realizzate in materiale solido e vengono offerte a un prezzo vantaggioso, che oscilla tra i 300 e i 550 euro.

Pacto bikes folding bike motorhome campervan

- Le biciclette pieghevoli PACTO sono un vero e proprio gioiellino!

Le biciclette pieghevoli PACTO sono facili da usare. Con solo due cerniere nel telaio e nel manubrio, la bicicletta si apre in dieci secondi e si può partire. Anche il peso ridotto è ideale e l'altezza regolabile della sella e del manubrio le rende adatte a tutti. E non dimenticate la facilità di trasporto delle biciclette pieghevoli: grazie alle loro dimensioni, le biciclette pieghevoli PACTO possono viaggiare gratuitamente sui mezzi pubblici e, una volta ripiegate, entrano nello spazio di carico di un camper!

Pacto bikes folding bike motorhome campervan

- In 10 secondi è possibile dispiegare una bicicletta pieghevole PACTO!

PACTO bikes è un nome importante e conosciuto nel settore delle biciclette pieghevoli. Da diversi anni sviluppa diversi modelli e tipi di biciclette pieghevoli e continua a migliorare la propria gamma. Questo si riflette anche nel feedback positivo dei clienti. Soprattutto la facilità d'uso e la buona qualità delle biciclette sono le recensioni positive ricorrenti. Anche il servizio di assistenza di PACTO bikes viene sottolineato e descritto come impegnato e proattivo. Entro dodici ore è possibile ottenere una risposta e una soluzione alle proprie domande o reclami. Piuttosto utile, se avete la vostra bicicletta con voi in viaggio!

È possibile ordinare le biciclette pieghevoli di PACTO bikes sul suo sito web. Qui troverete tutto ciò che dovete sapere e considerare quando acquistate una bicicletta pieghevole.

Pacto bikes folding bikes motorhome campervan

- Sul sito web di PACTO troverete un'ampia gamma di biciclette pieghevoli.

Se volete alternare il vostro viaggio in camper con attività ciclistiche, ma non avete voglia di scomodare un portabici, allora una bici pieghevole PACTO è l'aggiunta perfetta al vostro viaggio! Su www.pactobike.com, ottenete il 5% di sconto su tutto il vostro ordine nel webshop con il codice di sconto e HELLOPACTO5

Attenzione: il codice sconto del 5% è disponibile solo nel webshop di PACTO bikes!

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